I could look in your face For a thousand years It’s like a civil war Of pain and of cheer 我可以看著妳的臉直到一千年都過去 這就像場用痛苦與歡樂交織而成的內心戰爭
But if you was a horse I could help you with your chains I could ride you through the fields By your fiery mane 但如果妳是匹馬 我可以幫妳套上鞍轡 引著妳火熱的鬃毛通過草原
May your shade be sweet And float upon the lakes Where the sun will be Made of honey 願妳的影子能變得甜美 輕輕的浮在 蜜製的陽光照映的 澄澈湖面之上
I'll cry gardens while you burn 'Cause no one here can save you She’s returning to the Earth But one day she’ll be silver 我會哭到整片花園都直至枯萎 當妳僅剩灰燼時 因為在這並沒有誰可以挽救妳 她正回歸到塵土中 但某日她會再發出銀色的光芒
The stars are dying in my chest Till I see you again She was born with the wings of a hawk Where she combs her hair with blood 星辰正在我胸口慢慢消逝 直到我再遇見妳的那天 她將帶著老鷹的翅膀重生 用鮮血梳理她的細髮
May your shade be sweet And float upon the lakes Where the sun will be Made of honey 願妳的影子能變得甜美 輕輕的浮在 蜜製的陽光照映的 澄澈湖面之上