I could look in your face For a thousand years It’s like a civil war Of pain and of cheer 我可以看著妳的臉直到一千年都過去 這就像場用痛苦與歡樂交織而成的內心戰爭
But if you was a horse I could help you with your chains I could ride you through the fields By your fiery mane 但如果妳是匹馬 我可以幫妳套上鞍轡 引著妳火熱的鬃毛通過草原
May your shade be sweet And float upon the lakes Where the sun will be Made of honey 願妳的影子能變得甜美 輕輕的浮在 蜜製的陽光照映的 澄澈湖面之上
I'll cry gardens while you burn 'Cause no one here can save you She’s returning to the Earth But one day she’ll be silver 我會哭到整片花園都直至枯萎 當妳僅剩灰燼時 因為在這並沒有誰可以挽救妳 她正回歸到塵土中 但某日她會再發出銀色的光芒
The stars are dying in my chest Till I see you again She was born with the wings of a hawk Where she combs her hair with blood 星辰正在我胸口慢慢消逝 直到我再遇見妳的那天 她將帶著老鷹的翅膀重生 用鮮血梳理她的細髮
May your shade be sweet And float upon the lakes Where the sun will be Made of honey 願妳的影子能變得甜美 輕輕的浮在 蜜製的陽光照映的 澄澈湖面之上
諸位在課堂上傳過紙條嗎?用那些講台上老師認真教過我們的字,祕密寫在紙條上傳遞,甘冒著大不韙的風險。每個時代都有人站上講台,但之前必然都在底下窸窸窣窣傳過小紙條。詩應該是祕密的紙條,不是黑板上的規章。「彼得潘症候群」(Peter Pan syndrome)並非真正的精神疾病,在心理學上被運用於意欲延遲青春期的,不想長大的少年。很多人都想要繼續當小孩子的世界,傳紙條的風氣就興盛了,現在的雜誌都是在八卦大人們的事情,整個世代相當熱鬧也十分幼稚,但至少沒有人動不動被抓去關了。把「有雷」、「撲倒」、「多啦A夢」、「噴飯」、「種草莓」、「豬頭」、「三點全露」等等沿海岸線徵友地偷渡成詩中意象,正是傳給同代人的小紙條。
She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge, 她帶著對知識的渴望從希臘來到這 she studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College, 她在聖馬丁學院學習雕塑 that's where I, caught her eye. 我就是在那遇見她的
She told me that her Dad was loaded, 她說她的父親非常富有 I said "In that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola." 我說如果是那樣的話我會喝蘭姆酒加可口可樂 She said "Fine." 她說好吧 and in thirty seconds time she said, 在三十秒之後她又說
"I want to live like common people, 我希望能活的像個普通人 I want to do whatever common people do, 我希望能做些像普通人會做的事 I want to sleep with common people, 我希望跟普通的人上床 I want to sleep with common people, like you." 我希望跟像你一樣普通人上床
Well what else could I do - 那麼我還能怎麼辦呢 I said "I'll see what I can do." 我說我想看看能做些什麼
I took her to a supermarket, 我帶她去逛超市 I don't know why but I had to start it somewhere, 我不知道為什麼,但我得從什麼地方開始 so it started there. 所以我帶她去那
I said pretend you've got no money, 我說妳得假裝妳口袋裡沒有錢 she just laughed and said, 她只是笑著然後說 "Oh you're so funny." 噢!你真有趣 I said "yeah? 我說嗯? Well I can't see anyone else smiling in here. 但我看不見在這的任何人在笑 Are you sure you want to live like common people, 妳確定妳真的想活的像個普通人嗎?
you want to see whatever common people see, 妳想看普通人所看的那些? you want to sleep with common people, 妳想跟普通人上床? you want to sleep with common people, like me." 妳真的確定想跟我這樣的普通人上床嗎? But she didn't understand, 不過她不了解我問的這些 she just smiled and held my hand. 她只是笑著然後牽起我的手
Rent a flat above a shop, 在某間店的樓上租間套房 cut your hair and get a job. 剪掉妳的頭髮然後找個工作 Smoke some fags and play some pool, 抽些普通的香煙然後去普通的撞球間 pretend you never went to school. 假裝妳從未上學過 But still you'll never get it right, 不過這仍然不會讓妳變成普通人 cos when you're laid in bed at night, 因為當妳在夜裡躺在床上時 watching roaches climb the wall, 看見有隻蟑螂在牆上爬 if you call your Dad he could stop it all. 妳的父親就能讓這一切結束
You'll never live like common people, 妳永遠無法活的像個普通人! you'll never do what common people do, 妳永遠無法做些像普通人會做的事! you'll never fail like common people, 妳永遠不會像個普通人一樣的失敗! you'll never watch your life slide out of view, 妳永遠不會讓妳的生活就這樣浪費掉! and dance and drink and screw, because there's nothing else to do. 還有像個普通人一樣因為沒有任何的事可做而去跳舞喝酒上床
Sing along with the common people, 跟普通人一起大聲唱歌吧 sing along and it might just get you through, 唱著然後就能擺脫那些不快 laugh along with the common people, 跟著普通人一起笑吧 laugh along even though they're laughing at you, 跟她們一起笑著即便他們是在笑著妳 and the stupid things that you do. 以及妳這樣愚蠢的行為 Because you think that poor is cool. 因為妳就認為貧窮是件很酷的事
Like a dog lying in a corner 當有隻狗躺在角落時 They will bite you and never warn you 他們會咬你而不會先警告妳 Look out. 小心!
They'll tear your insides out 牠們會把你咬個稀爛 'cos everybody hates a tourist 因為所有人都討厭觀光客 Especially one who thinks it's all such a laugh 特別是像對這的景象覺得可笑的 Yeah and the chip stain and grease will come out in the bath 以及那些認為只要將被番茄醬弄髒的衣服丟進洗衣機就會沒事的人 You will never understand 妳永遠不會了解這些 How it feels to live your life With no meaning or control And with nowhere left to go 當妳的人生沒有任何意義失去方向時活著的感覺 You are amazed that they exist 妳驚訝這些人的存在 And they burn so bright whilst you can only wonder why. 而妳卻不能了解他們為什麼能活的如此快樂
I want to live with common people like you, 我想跟你這樣普通人一起生活 I want to live with common people like you... 我想跟你這樣普通人一起生活
記得村上曾經說過:如果寫不出什麼東西的話,那麼就不如不要寫吧。與其寫出了些不能讓自己滿足的東西,倒不如多看些書。我相當能認同這樣的作法,而且事實上我根本也是這樣做的。因此在今年所欲達成的目標中這樣定下了一個禮拜至少寫一篇文章的我,事後想想其實為什麼我要如此矛盾。但我也得說,我的人生大多生活在某種矛盾之下,所以如果再加上這麼一項的話應該也是無妨吧,或許是這樣子。 考試考完之後,便陷入一種愁雲慘澹的氣氛當中,雖然不至於到完全絕望的地步,但對於任何事總是無法樂觀去看待的我而言,怎樣也無法說服自己事情並沒有這麼糟。有時候會覺得悲觀是一種保護機制,讓自己不要去失望的太多,對許多人事物的看法都是如此。再者,總是喜歡平添些問題造成自己的不悅之外,更牽連到另一半的我,這次又發生了相同的問題。如果我現在說:好極了,這必然是我對自己最刻薄的嘲諷。為了避免全盤皆輸的情境之下,我想我還是開始寫些什麼吧,至少我得留下什麼才好。 基於不喜歡讓自己陷入沒有後路的絕境之中,因此我得想些什麼辦法才是。然後我在查詢了大概的資料之後,又找到了讓自己開脫的另一條路,如果真能那樣去做,其實並不會更糟。我說過了every roads in fog comes another chance